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2006 < 2007 < Galleria Quadri < 

Dialogue upon verticality with...

Difficult digestion over the last supper

Dinamica di un racconto fruttuoso

Dream of a little seahorse

Fishing for one's self!

Invito al collezionista

La bella prospettiva

La casetta nella cascata


Lezioni di volo

Meeting amidst Major &...

Mystery of the Eternal Feminine

Paure nascoste

Promenade avec Isaac Newton

Quod Superstat!

Squaring of the circle

The garden of mysteries

Tightrope walker

Viaggio su vari mezzi

The Truth Shall Set You Free!

Chiesa di campagna

Little theatre of the great battles of small being serious!

"Perfection in continuos becoming"
(Homage to Renê Guenon)

"Soul's consumerism!"

"Il percorso misterioso dell'anima"

"Bond of affection"

"Star scholar"

"Pathways of the soul"

"Il grande passo!"

"The doubts of a wayfarer"

"Problems of a sleepy consciousness"

"Cammino sul filo d'Arianna"

"The nest that layed upon it own eggs!"

"Brief Guide On How To Become A..."

Squaring Of The Circle!

A Journey by Many Means!


Allegory of the history of...

Christmas dreamers

Old burdens and new liberties!

Old burdens and new liberties! (part.)

Orgasm in the land of milk n'honey

The dilemma of One's...

The search for new wine

The wider vision that follows...

We Are all sons of...